Seaweed & Health
- Kombu Seaweed is rich in minerals. It is one of the types of Seaweed that contains more magnesium than the other Seaweed (1,120 mg per 100 g) and it also has an excellent calcium content: 1,970 mg per 100 g. Calcium and magnesium together can regulate many bodily functions, such as those of the nervous system and muscles.
- The alginic acid of the Kombu Seaweed develops a protective effect against environmental pollution (especially against radioactive strontium 90 and heavy metals). Namely, it has the ability to absorb them from the body.
- The Kombu Seaweed contains many trace elements and nutrients. It is characterized by a high content of cobalt, which is involved in the balance of the nervous system, also has a relaxing effect on digestive cramps and acts as a natural sedative. Kombu provides silicon, which is essential for the elasticity of the joints, calcium in the bones, the health of the tendons and the construction of nails, skin and hair, as well as for the formation of collagen, a substance that makes the skin wrinkle-free. Kombu also provides high-quality dietary fiber, i.e. bioactive components that have an antioxidant effect and also act against free radicals. Vitamin E can still be found with an average value that exceeds the content in whole grain cereals, fish, avocado and cod liver oil.
Wakame: Almost everyone knows this algae! Who hasn't eaten Wakame Seaweed salad with Japanese sushi?
Wakame is the second most consumed seaweed in the world and it is now everywhere!
What we call Undaria Pinnatifida is better known colloquially as "Wakame". It belongs to the brown Seaweeds. It is characterized by its easily recognizable color, which is naturally dark green.

Why is Wakame so healthy?
- First of all, it's safe to say that Wakame contains 11 times more calcium than milk!
- It contains 1,760 mg of calcium per 100 g. A high calcium-phosphorus ratio makes it very useful for bones, nails and hair. Regular consumption of Wakame Seaweed has a muscle-relaxing effect. Wakame algae is particularly recommended for children, young people, women during pregnancy and menopause. Of course, it is also ideal for people who cannot tolerate dairy products.
- The high proportion of protein in the Galician Wakame Seaweed is also remarkable.
- Wakame is a Seaweed that balances essential amino acids, giving proteins a high biological value. In addition, these proteins have an exceptional bioavailability of 85% to 90%.
- All seaweed, and especially Wakame, are excellent sources of iodine.
- Iodine is a trace element that is essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland and is responsible for regulating the rate of metabolism. The Wakame algae influences the entire organism, so to speak. In the case of obesity and high cholesterol, iodine prevents fat from accumulating in the cells and helps dissolve the fat that has already accumulated.
- The amount of vitamin E is significant.
- It ranges from 1.4 to 13.9 mg per 100 g, with an average value exceeding that found in whole grains, fish, avocado and cod liver oil.
- Last but not least, Wakame provides selenium.
- It is a trace element with antioxidant properties. It is related to vitamin E and lipid metabolism. Ten grams of dry Seaweed cover our daily needs.
- Wakame for detox:
- This is where the “cleansing” function of Seaweed comes into play. They have a detoxifying effect on certain heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic. Wakame algae specifically contains a substance that also filters nicotine. There's nothing stopping you from starting a detox or just making a delicious Wakame smoothie!
The ragweed, colloquially better known as "Dulse", can be a useful addition to healthy meals. Although it formally belongs to the red Seaweeds, the ragweed shows itself in a variety of colors. From brown-red to crimson. In good conditions, it grows up to half a meter long. Taken out of the water, it looks leathery in the hand. It may not look like much, but its ingredients and versatility make up for it.

Why are Dulse algae so healthy?
- The vital substance content of the Dulse algae is impressive. The amounts of calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron and potassium are particularly noteworthy. But it also contains copper, manganese and silicon. Thus, the ragweed offers a number of important minerals and trace elements. Which are responsible for a strong immune system, relaxed muscles, strong bones and much more.
- On the vitamin side, there are A, B, C, E and K. For vegetarians and vegans, the vital vitamin B12 is particularly relevant. In addition, the algae absorb iodine, which we can eat. The recommendation is 0.2 mg iodine per adult per day. If the function of the thyroid gland is disturbed, the actual requirement must be determined with the help of a doctor.
- Since it contains vitamins A, C and E, the Dulse Seaweed provides our body with many antioxidants. They fight free radicals. If these colonize our body in excess, negative cell mutations can result. Smokers in particular, who take in many free radicals with every breath they take, benefit from eating red algae regularly. Furthermore, it is assumed that antioxidants cause us to age more slowly.
- The amino acids in the Dulse Seaweed are of particular interest to athletes. The red algae consists of about 60% of these and this allows our metabolism to produce proteins. Which, in addition to essential bodily functions, are also responsible for muscle building.
- Lastly, among the nutrients, the omega-3 fatty acids should be mentioned. They prevent inflammation, keep our brain fit and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Algae and High Blood Pressure
Nutrition and health as an overall concept play a primary role. For us, enjoyment and well-being go hand in hand. Again and again we see how one can support and even balance the other. Why should they be mutually exclusive, we ask ourselves. They don't have to. When we add Seaweeds with their regulating properties to our everyday cuisine, we observe how holistically they affect our organism.
Weight Loss, Exercise, Stress Reduction: Are These the Only Steps That Help Lower High Blood Pressure? They are definitely crucial. But what else?
Blood pressure is the pressure inside the arteries. When the artery walls are pressurized, blood circulates properly to the farthest and smallest parts of our body, from the scalp to the toes.
Blood pressure varies at different times of the day. And that's normal! It decreases during sleep and rest. It increases with various activities and peaks with sudden emotions or tonic exertion.
It is called high blood pressure or arterial hypertension when, regardless of the situation, the pressure is consistently higher than 140 mmHg (during the systolic pumping phase, when the heart contracts and ejects blood) or higher than 90 mmHg (in the diastolic relaxation phase of the heart) is at. Normally, blood pressure ranges between 120 mmHg and 80 mmHg.
At this point we come to the harmonizing effects of Seaweeds.
Because here Seaweeds are considered a remedy.
In addition to stress, obesity and lack of exercise, high blood pressure is often associated with high sodium levels.
Sodium and potassium are the most abundant minerals in wild Seaweeds. So we could assume that high levels of sodium cause an increase in blood pressure. However, this effect must be related to other minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which together form a balanced complex. Seaweeds contains high concentrations of potassium, which in high doses has a role in protecting against high blood pressure and other cardiovascular risks.
The fiber in Seaweeds is also able to retain excess sodium, which is then naturally excreted. The balance of fluids in the organism is also regulated by it.
Here everything leads us to the brown Seaweeds such as Kombu (Laminaria), Sea Spaghetti (Himanthalia), Wakame (Undaria) and Fucus. Sea spaghetti and the red algae Dulse contain a particularly large amount of potassium.
Sea spaghetti are preventive because they have a mineral-forming effect. Among other things, they are good for balancing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Kombu Seaweed regulates body weight and, accordingly, blood pressure through its content of laminins and laminaranes. It has a vasodilating and anticoagulant effect that promotes tissue and joint irrigation and relaxes the muscles of the artery walls.
With the consumption of Seaweeds, the daily requirement of sodium is covered. So if we cook with seaweed, we can reduce the amount of salt. This brings us to some more nutrition tips.
The "umami taste" of Seaweed, the so-called fifth taste, is known to promote the feeling of satiety and thus regulate appetite. This makes it easier to reduce not only the need for salt, but also for sugar and fat.
According to a study by a Danish university, adding a few grams of Seaweed to our food or ready meals is enough to relieve the processed foods of the "hurdle" of cardiovascular disease. Nothing easier than sprinkling wild Seaweed on a ready-made pizza or replacing 5% flour with algae in a homemade pizza. This significantly reduces the heart risk.
The same applies to meat dishes. When Seaweed is eaten, even in small amounts, the dietary fiber and antioxidants help keep cholesterol levels in check.
The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.